The girls...

Christina: 22-year-old living in Small-ish Town, West Coast. Lives with and loves BF. Has too many exes, some with interesting stories, some... not so much. Is still trying to figure out what to do now that her bff, Courtney, is two states away... again.
Courtney: 22-year-old living in Smaller Town, West Coast. Living alone, single and loving it. Has lots of scandalous stories to share. Missing her bff, but is excited about this new journey! Looking for Mr. Right, but will settle for Mr. Right now...

Behind the name...

Sex and the City + the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants + The Sweetest Thing...
Part young girl, part grown woman... a little bit of fashion, a little bit (well, hopefully a LOT) of sex... and probably more booze than what's healthy. We started this blog hoping to start a chronicle of our lives, now hundreds of miles apart, as best friends... with the help of a fabulous handbag, of course!


Christ. We've got a stage five clinger.

You know what I'm talking about. You knowww. The guy who is text messaging you at least every 30 minutes of the day... Is he worried that you've become un-interested in him because the last "what are you up to?" they sent 29 minutes ago didn't get a response? Really? Let me just say that I hope you have Verizon, Mr. Cling, because honestly, I can't afford your 839 texts a day.

Okay, so I might be over-exaggerating a tad about the "839 texts"-- but the rest is accurate.

But really, Mr. Cling. I'm trying not to lead you on. Sure, we had some good sex. Not great, but it was alright-- and by that, I mean that you could have lasted a little...lot longer. What I was thinking was just some nice goodbye sex, has brought me to realization that I might have gotten my farewell hump from the wrong fella. And to be completely honest with you, if it weren't for recently finding out about your clinginess, I would have actually been interested. But I can tell you right now, it's not looking good on your end.

I must say that I'm a tad jealous of those in relationships; always having someone there for them-- physically & emotionally... Not having to deal with the above referenced men... But I've also learned to be picky. So I'm doing just that... but we all know we've gotta test drive the car before we buy it, so I'll work on that for now-- and maybe start taking the speed limit into consideration.

exes and oh!'s,


  1. Anonymous said...

    I'm dealing with a very similar problem right now. God, do I hate the sound of a text message lately...

  2. Therapeutic Ramblings said...

    Clingers get an "x" next to their name in my phone. When they call/text, I am instantly warned. My old phone broke, so now every number is a test...and I am sadly losing since it is often hard to say no to women who always say yes.

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