The girls...

Christina: 22-year-old living in Small-ish Town, West Coast. Lives with and loves BF. Has too many exes, some with interesting stories, some... not so much. Is still trying to figure out what to do now that her bff, Courtney, is two states away... again.
Courtney: 22-year-old living in Smaller Town, West Coast. Living alone, single and loving it. Has lots of scandalous stories to share. Missing her bff, but is excited about this new journey! Looking for Mr. Right, but will settle for Mr. Right now...

Behind the name...

Sex and the City + the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants + The Sweetest Thing...
Part young girl, part grown woman... a little bit of fashion, a little bit (well, hopefully a LOT) of sex... and probably more booze than what's healthy. We started this blog hoping to start a chronicle of our lives, now hundreds of miles apart, as best friends... with the help of a fabulous handbag, of course!

Trade No. 1

Alright, Classy in Philadelphia. You asked for it. Haha. Well, I was going to post about this anyways, but her comment just reminded me about it...

I will be sending Christina The Purse today. I've had it for... like, a month? I think... Anyway, we kind of were thinking of trading it every 3 weeks or so, but I had to finish a book (which I do highly recommend-- Meg Cabot's Every Boy's Got One) to send with it for Christina to read, because it just reminded me of us.

Anyway, as Christina posted before, we've taken off the actual picture of the purse in order for us to remain anonymous. I was getting a little freaked out at the airport when everyone was staring at The Purse, and a few girls even came up to me and complimented me on it.* Actually, I have been, on average, getting about 2 compliments a day on The Purse. 

Way to go, Purse! You've made us proud!

exes and oh!'s,

*I'm pretty sure they didn't actually recognize The Purse from the blog, it was just creepy that they were staring at it, and while they were doing so, I was worried someone might actually spot it and recognize us.


  1. CIP said...

    Hooray! Thanks for explaining.

    That sounds so cool...but especially creepy that people recognized it from the blog...eeeks.

    By the way- I've read that book. It's great!

  2. Anonymous said...

    That's when you know that you've made a good investment ;)

  3. Therapeutic Ramblings said...

    I (and 99.8% of straight men) do not understand I'll have to assume it is a bling purse.

  4. Rose and Jill said...

    I have the similar purse and people compliment it all the time. I just want to say "Um,yeah. I know it's amazing." :)

  5. Anonymous said...

    I am now repaying the favor and responding to a few blogs. I do not remember what the old purse picture looked like so now if I see a unique purse, I will wonder if that is one of the infamous Sex and Traveling Satchel ladies.

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