The girls...

Christina: 22-year-old living in Small-ish Town, West Coast. Lives with and loves BF. Has too many exes, some with interesting stories, some... not so much. Is still trying to figure out what to do now that her bff, Courtney, is two states away... again.
Courtney: 22-year-old living in Smaller Town, West Coast. Living alone, single and loving it. Has lots of scandalous stories to share. Missing her bff, but is excited about this new journey! Looking for Mr. Right, but will settle for Mr. Right now...

Behind the name...

Sex and the City + the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants + The Sweetest Thing...
Part young girl, part grown woman... a little bit of fashion, a little bit (well, hopefully a LOT) of sex... and probably more booze than what's healthy. We started this blog hoping to start a chronicle of our lives, now hundreds of miles apart, as best friends... with the help of a fabulous handbag, of course!

I'll take my clothes off, and it will be shameless...

I've got my shower routine down like it's nobody's business (unless someone else happens to be in there, which sadly hasn't the case lately): Turn cold water on 5% of the way. Turn hot water on 95% of the way. Step in. Stand in blazing hot water for a while. Shampoo hair. Rinse. Condition hair. Buff lipsWash faceShave arm pits. Shave legs. Rinse conditioner. Wash body. 15-20 minutes later, I'm out, drying off.

My point is that... the shower is boring, because the moment I step into the shower, I know what I'm going to do. Therefore, while going through the routine, I often have random thoughts in my head. Let's take this afternoon's morning's shower for instance, my thoughts were:

- (while washing hair) Hmm, almost out of shampoo. Oh! Backup shampoo in the cupboard. What movies did I get for Christmas again?

- (while conditioning hair) Does it even matter how long I leave this stuff in? Probably not. I should get the new Nickelback CD.

- (buffing lips) What's this stuff even made of? Sugar? Peppermint? Mmm. Tastes good! Probably a waste of money because my lips are usually smooth, but oh well. Must be because of this stuff. I should definitely have some of that tea (that I haven't thought about for a year, but just happened to pop into my mind while I'm in here)!

- (washing face) This stuff smells like... I can't even place the smell. It's like, guy-ish, but not. Wtf is this? Whatever. Makes my face smooth. Right, it was loveactually and Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.

- (while shaving) Note to self: Need more shaving cream. Wait, why didn't I get that at the store yesterday when I was there? Grr. And how can women seriously NOT shave their arm pits? That's just gross. Shit! I forgot to send Chaz & Nelson a Christmas card! Damnit!

- (rinsing out conditioner) Ahh. Soft hair. I really should go to the gym. I mean, there has got to be a decent-looking guy around here somewhere, and what better place to find one than at the gym? I. Need. To. Get. Some.

- (washing body) Mmm! This new stuff Christina told me to try is awesome! I almost want to eat it. But I won't. Note to self: Go to the store for ruby red grapefruit juice. And maybe some vanilla frozen yogurt with gummi bears.

Moral of this post? Who the fuck thinks about that kind of shit in the shower? Seriously. Wtf.

exes and oh!s,


  1. Anonymous said...

    I didn't even know that women buffed their lips.

  2. Bella@That damn expat said...

    I certainly don't. We have a stereo in the bathroom and I'm dancing around and singing along. You should try it!

  3. LWLH said...

    lol...the most random stuff...but damn gummy bears sound good right now!!

  4. CIP said...

    Hahaha, ahhhh I love it! You're so cute.

    I think of the most random things in the shower too, but normally they are like DEEP thoughts. Like about my life and future. It's very odd.

  5. Anonymous said...

    Normally I think "Jesus Christ it's way to fucking early..." and "Dammit, my razor is dull AGAIN..."

  6. Rose and Jill said...

    I do the same thing. At least I know I'm not a one of a kind freak anymore!

  7. Brittany said...

    I imagine my life if I was a celebrity, and I sometimes have mock interviews with myself. I stopped that because once I was a little overzealous and I proceeded to get shampoo right in my eye!

  8. Nickie. said...

    I think about random stuff 24/7, my mind is always in that mode. My boyfriend will be talking to me in the car and I'll be listenig but my mind will be wandering about what I need to do.

  9. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for the links to every product you use! Now I can be just like you! I'll stop by the store later to pick it all up.
    Also, you forgot the part in the shower when you daze off and think about how awesome I am.

  10. Courtney said...

    peter - i'm not sure about EVERY woman, but i certainly do.

    expat - i might do that! if i can stand my own voice! ;)

    poison - gummi bears and vanilla frozen yogurt are the best!

    classy in philly - i think deep thoughts sometimes, but mostly just random things.

    liam - in my case, it's usually around 11 am, and i'm still thinking it's too early.

    rose - we're definitely freaks together in this way.

    brittany - hahah, sometimes i do that, too! minus the shampoo in the eye.

    nickie - ahh yes, i do that often. people probably get annoyed by how much i ask them to repeat what they just said.

    witty - i did that just for you! i knew you'd want to go through the shampoo aisle and seel what my shampoo & conditioner smells like! and i'm sure you've already ordered the lip buffer!

  11. Melissa said...

    interesting thoughts

  12. Liza said...

    LMAO - This is exactly why I love y'alls blog so much. I should comment more, but I thought to let you know, that I handed you a lemonade award. =)

  13. Anonymous said...

    I'm the same way! I think about the most random things in the shower.

    P.S. Since sharing my story on your blog for the giveaway contest, I've gotten a lot of emails from people asking more about the story. I think I opened up a car of worms on that one. LOL.

  14. Dating Without Pants said...

    If you want to laugh just stand next to the door while I shower. As cliche as it is, I will horribly sing every song in my head at that moment. Even if I try not to sing, I will sing. I'm diseased, I tell you.

  15. Maxie said...

    I usually think about blog posts in the shower... and other random stuff.

    And i'm with peter-- people buff their lips?

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